Feb. 21, 2024

Dan Colarusso: A behind the scenes look with the man in charge at CNBC

As the son of a butcher, Dan Colarusso grew up seeing how the sausage got made. Now, he oversees sausage making of a different type. As Senior Vice President of Business News at CNBC, Dan is the man behind all the decisions that affect the network’s...

As the son of a butcher, Dan Colarusso grew up seeing how the sausage got made. Now, he oversees sausage making of a different type. As Senior Vice President of Business News at CNBC, Dan is the man behind all the decisions that affect the network’s programming. He has honed his news judgment and style over the course of 40 years, influenced by stops at Bloomberg, The NY Post, Reuters and TheStreet.com. On this episode of Press Profiles, Dan explains how he uses the three C’s – “Characters, Conflicts and Companies” – to make business news interesting and relevant to the millions of viewers he hopes to empower. We discuss all that plus, his favorite meals to cook, the struggles of the New York Mets, Taylor Swift, “double-assed goats” and of course, a whole lot more.